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Brew Instructions

Fresh Roasted Espresso
Espresso Machine with purified water connection or pourover

[STEP 1]
Freshly grind the espresso you need only for the shots you are about to brew. As soon as the espresso is ground, and is exposed to air it begins to loose its flavor profile, so only grind what you need to make your beverage. The correct grind is essential to making a good espresso.

- If the grind is too fine the espresso will brew over extracted with a long shot time lacking crema with a dark color.
- If the grind is too coarse the espresso will brew under extracted with a short shot time and a pale light crema.
- When your grind is just right you will get a beautiful brown golden crema and the brew coming from the spout will be thin
as a string of spaghetti and will take 17-26 seconds.

[STEP 2]
Take the portafilter (ensure it is clean and free of coffee grinds) and insert it into the yoke under the doser on your grinder. Pull the dosing lever on the grinder until you have a heaping mound of espresso in your portifilter. Now use your finger to sweep over the excess ground espresso so that it is just level with the rim of your filter screen.

[STEP 3]
Use a hand tamper or the tamper attached to your grinder to tamp and press the grinds into the bottom of the filter screen with about 30-40lbs. of pressure leaving the grind pack with a smooth level surface and an even density. Wipe any excess grinds around the rim of the portafilter with the palm of a hand.

[STEP 4]
Insert the portafilter into the group head and lock it into position with a counterclockwise twist.

[STEP 5]
Place your espresso cup under the spout.

[STEP 6]
Start the brew cycle and check your timer and clock 17-26 seconds.

[STEP 7]
You are ready to enjoy your espresso!

Don’t forget to dispose of the grinds in the portafilter and clean up your machine, so you will be ready for your next shot.

Sincerely yours,
Kobrick Coffee