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Clever Dripper
Brew Instructions

Fresh Cone Drip Grind Coffee
Clean Clever Dripper
Natural #4 Filter
Purified Water
Hot Water Source
Coffee Scoop
Small wooden spoon or chopstick for stirring
16 oz. Cup, Thermos or Serving Beaker with a correct fit for the Clever Dripper

[STEP 1]
Place #4 filter in the clever dripper. We recommend rinsing the paper filter while in the clever dripper thoroughly with hot water to clean it and preheat the clever.

[STEP 2]
Using a coffee scoop place 5 level scoops or 1.25 ounces of cone drip grind coffee into the filter/clever dripper.

[STEP 3]
Use 16 oz. of fresh purified 195°-205°F water from hot water source. Pour water over frinds up to just below the top of the filter.

[STEP 4]
Stir until grinds are fully saturated and cover clever dripper. Start a 3 minute timer and when timer goes off place dripper on your cup, thermos, or serving beaker

[STEP 5]
Enjoy coffee as soon as it is finished dripping.

Please use measurements and brew time as a starting point. Adjust according to taste.
Hope you enjoy your selections!

Sincerely yours,
Kobrick Coffee